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And What A Mother May Mean...

Mothers' are our gems! We may not know it when we're mired in life's confusion; nor, may we appreciate her when we're learning our adolescent selves. But, when mother shows up she changes the energy that rings with love.

A mother may kiss your forehead; have the knack for addressing soft wounds; the humor to calm your upside down world; and the wit that pulverizes personal confusion and makes things seem entirely simple. Mothers' are indeed our gem, your gem, my gem...

I pledge a celebration to mothers' around the nation and around the world who held our weight in their womb; and using their sensibilities passed down or homegrown helpful steers to life. Moms aren't perfect, but are there to learn from. Transitions will happen so be thankful everyday you have your mom.

Happy Mother's Day... May 12, 2019

Historical Dream offers a host of Mother's Day gift items to choose from... Check out our website!



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